The Safe4Rail-3 project started on 1st December 2020 is structured into five Work Packages (WPs) with different functions in order to fulfil its overall objectives. There are three technical WPs that will carry out the necessary tasks to deliver the technical objectives of the project, and there are also two WPs designated for ensuring an efficient management and coordination of the project as well as a dissemination and interaction with S2R actors and other stakeholders.
WP |
Goal |
WP1 – Next generation TCMS |
The goals of the wp1 focus on developing the FDF environment & Drive-by-Data network equipment to enable a robust, safe and secure communication system for the next-generation TCMS, including real-time, mission-critical and non-critical functions.
An HVAC subsystem will be integrated on the FDF. Methodology and tools will be provided for developing SIL4 functions on top of the FDF. Performance of conformance tests for the FDF will be performed against the defined interfaces |
WP2 – Next generation wireless TCMS |
The mains goals of WP2 are:
- To carry out a study to select the most optimal antenna locations for the WLTB, WLCN and Train-to-Ground (T2G) links.
- To develop high-TRL devices and antennas for the Wireless Train Backbone (WLTB). To develop high-TRL devices and antennas for the Wireless Consist Network (WLCN).
WP3 – Building tools, safety & security assessment, and Test integration |
The objectives of this WP3 are:
- To perform independent safety and cybersecurity studies for DbD, FDF and Wireless TCMS
- To elaborate a methodology to develop SIL4 functions for the FDF to support a SIL4 application development provided by the complementary CFM.
- To study the achievement of very low latencies by controlling the FDF execution based on a tool-based calculation of Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) transmission slots.
- To support the demonstration, and validation and verification of the Safe4RAIL-3 development devices and technologies in the complementary CFM project.
WP4 – Dissemination, communication and exploitation |
The main objective of this work package is to ensure that the project results and outputs are disseminated widely and effectively exploited by their target groups (including S2R). |
WP5 – Project, Risk, and Innovation Management |
The objectives of this Project Management work package are:
- to ensure effective coordination of the project;
- to ensure efficient management of common consortium activities;
- to ensure effective overall administrative and financial management of the project;
- to ensure the running of a quality assurance process;
- to manage the risks and propose mitigation strategies and contingency measures if needed;
- to establish a good communication channel and ensure coordination with the S2R JU.