Previous Projects

Several past and ongoing projects carried out both at National and International level and including past EU-funded projects are expected to have a significant impact on the Safe4RAIL-3 project. The members of the Safe4RAIL-3 consortium have an outstanding record of participation in railway-related R&D projects, which will facilitate the use of results from former projects, avoiding duplication of work and facilitating a fast take-off of research activities in the project.

Additionally, Safe4RAIL-3 will work hand in hand with the CFM-IP1-02-2020 project with bidirectional exchange of information and results between both projects. A significant input from the CFM project will be the requirements of the demonstration activities, as they will impact directly on all the objectives of Safe4RAIL- 3. Moreover, the results of Safe4RAIL-3 (i.e. the DbD network devices, the wireless TCMS devices and the HVAC functionality) will be integrated and validated in the metro and regional demonstrators of the CFM project. Additionally, Safe4RAIL-3 will also provide the contributions to different railway and wireless standardization bodies as output of the project.

Table below provides an overview on past and current research projects that will be referred to in Safe4RAIL-3, showing the specific results to be used and the members that participated in the project.

Research and Innovations Activities

Specific Valuable Outputs

Partners involved

  • TRL 4-5 DbD devices based on the TSN >Obj. 1, Obj5
  • TRL 4-5 wireless devices based on OAI for TCMS traffic in WLTB >Obj. 2
  • TRL 4 AUTOSAR-based FDF (RTA-VRTE Early Access Programme) >Obj. 3
  • HVAC subsystem modules >Obj. 3
  • The DbD concept as an input for TSN standardization activities in IEEE 802.1 working group TSN >Obj. 6
  • The LTE platforms based on OAI as an input for contributions to ETSI/3GPP and CEPT/ITU standardization activities >Obj. 6
5G-PICTURE mm-wave IEEE 802.11ad devices for Train-to-Ground communications >Obj. 2 COMSA
  • Drive-by-Data requirements and specification >Obj. 1
  • Specifications of WLTB and WLCN >Obj. 2
  • The architecture of the Functional Distribution Framework >Obj.3
  • FDF requirements and specification >Obj. 3
  • HVAC Application Profile ? Obj. 3