Finalization of first project phase “Technology requirements consolidation” December 2022

18 March 2022

The first phase of the Safe4Rail-3 project ended in December 2021 with the requirements consolidation for Next Generation of Train Control and Monitoring System (NG-TCMS) architecture, in particular for the Drive-by-Data (DbD) and Wireless TCMS technologies.
The list of requirements were collected in the public deliverables D1.1 Drive-by-Data requirements specification and D2.1 Requirements for Wireless Devices Integration Components available in the section Deliverables of the project website. The consolidated requirements are the result of the collaborative work with CONNECTA-3 complementary project of Safe4Rail-3 and partially based on the outcomes of previous projects CONNECTA-2 & Safe4Rail-2.
The High-TRL requirements for Drive by Data (DbD) devices and configurations tools development in Safe4Rail-3 combined safety, fault tolerance and real-time performance with data, and system integrity considerations. They targeted different train level, mainly the consist level and ETBN level as it is reflected in the figure below, which shows main components and concepts for these architectures.

High-TRL requirements for Wireless TCMS devices in Safe4Rail-3 covered the Train Backbone (WLTB) devices which allow wireless communication all along the train, including the Adapted-ETBNs (AETBN), and Wireless Consist Network (WLCN) devices for TCMS and On-board Multimedia and Telematics (OMTS) traffic which allow the communication inside the train, also including Wireless Access Points (WAP) and Wireless End Devices (WED).
The following picture summarizes the different wireless domains in the train and their corresponding devices.