D1.1 Drive-by-Data Requirements Specification
The present deliverable details the requirements for the High-TRL Drive by Data (DbD) devices and configurations tools
D1.2 Drive-by-Data devices (CONFIDENTIAL)
The deliverable “D1.2 - Drive-by-Data devices” aims to provide the results of the design and implementation of ETBN, CS and TSN PCIe for ED according to the requirements identified in the Safe4RAIL-3 deliverable D1.1. This deliverable provides a brief description of the user manuals of ETBN, CS and TSN PCIe for ED (the complete manuals are attached), especially the features required for CTA-3 demonstrator, i.e. next generation train inauguration and TSN, as well as the interoperability test summary of vendor-independent ETBNs
D2.1 Requirements for Wireless Devices Integration Components
The present deliverable details the requirements for the High-TRL WLTB and WLCN devices and antennas
D2.2 Antenna Installation guidelines
The objective of this deliverable is to carry out a study of a train model by ray tracing simulations, to obtain recommendations based on the behaviour of radio signals for the WLTB, WLCN and T2G links. As a result, some recommendations and guidelines are going to be given to facilitate the selection of commercial antennas. For this purpose, the results of a series of simulations are presented
D2.3 WTLB wireless equipment and antennas (CONFIDENTIAL)
This document describes the wired and wireless equipment composing the WLTB. First an Adapted ETBN provides capabilities to exchange consists Radio Identification IDs (RFID) and support multidomain of the Ethernet Consist Network (ECN). The TCMS radio device is based on the 3GPP LTE V2X rel.14 and enables direct consist-to-consist communications. Finally, the OMTS radio device is based on the Wifi standard IEEE 802.11ad operating at a mmWAVE spectrum range and support ultra-low latency and high capacity consist-to-consist communication.
This document introduces the WLCN network, describes the solution proposed, resumes the main WLCN requirements, explains the included capabilities, and details its components to ease the integration in Task 3.5. Finally, some insight on TSN standardisation is given for future development.
D2.5 WLTB WIRELESS Multiple Domains Specification
The target of this document is to explain the solution for the multiple domain requirement in S4R-2/3 projects, explaining multiple domains concept and implementation on S4R-3 NG-TCN and WLTB. Pointing out the gaps and issues to be solved when applying multiple domains design on NG-TCN and WLTB and propose design changes on NG-TCN and WLTB, which may be incorporated into a new revision of the IEC61375 standard.
D3.1 Summary report on exemplary safety and cybersecurity assessment
This paper provides a summary of the safety and cybersecurity studies of specific concepts of CONNECTA-3, which were the basis for the work in the Safe4Rail-3 research project. Within the context of the studies, specific questions on the concepts from the development areas Drive by Data, Functional Distribution Framework and Wireless Train Control and Monitoring System of the research project were addressed regarding safety and cybersecurity.
The purpose of the studies was to determine whether the underlying concepts for the Safe4Rail-3 project are suitable for enabling applications for Safety Integrity Level 4 for the railway sector and at the same time guaranteeing sufficient cybersecurity
D3.2 Report on exemplary safety and cybersecurity assessment (CONFIDENTIAL)
This second paper is the final version of the intermediate deliverable D3.1 and focuses on the safety and cybersecurity studies of specific concepts of CONNECTA-3, which were the basis for the work in the Safe4Rail-3 research project. Within the context of the studies, specific questions on the concepts from the development areas Drive by Data, Functional Distribution Framework and Wireless Train Control and Monitoring System of the research project were addressed regarding safety and cybersecurity.
The purpose of the studies was to determine whether the underlying concepts for the Safe4Rail-3 project are suitable for enabling applications for Safety Integrity Level 4 for the railway sector and at the same time guaranteeing sufficient cybersecurity
D3.4 Report on Methodology to develop safety functions on top of FDF (CONFIDENTIAL)
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the systematic approach to developing safety applications in the onboard railway industry. It addresses the critical need for a reliable and robust functional safety system and outline a methodology for the development of safety functions on top of the FDF.
Based on the safety architecture provided by CONNECTA-3, the report systematically explores different architectural options for integrating applications and architecture specific requirements to FDF.
D3.5 Drive-by-Data tools (CONFIDENTIAL)
This deliverable examines the key role of Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) tools in revolutionising rail networks. TSN technology is highlighted for its ability to enable deterministic and low latency communications in critical railway applications. Additionally, this deliverable provides TSN related requirements for the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Gateway (GW) in the S4R network infrastructure. The TSN GW is a critical component in the deployment of TSN technology within the S4R network infrastructure because it interconnects different networks, each of which may utilize various and different TSN networking capabilities.
D3.6 Wireless TCMS demonstrator equipment & installation procedures (CONFIDENTIAL)
This document provides hardware & equipment descriptions, as well as configuration and networking scripts to install and configure the Safe4RAIL-3 Wireless TCMS. Its purpose is to enable external stakeholders and future projects to use and extend these guidelines to support new and innovative railway networking function.
D3.7 Drive-by-Data Demonstrator Support Report (CONFIDENTIAL)
This deliverable highlights the main results of T3.6's role in the SAFE4RAIL-3 project. The main focus was on achieving conformance and interoperability, in particular functional interoperability between train level and consist level switches. Rigorous testing of Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) implementations underlined their critical role in improving communication reliability.
T3.6 provided on-site and off-site support for key demonstrators, ensuring optimal performance in various scenarios. Thorough technical validation confirmed the reliability of the drive-by-data components and the networked system.